Tomas Geffner

(After an intense hike)


I am a final year PhD student in the College of Information and Computer Sciences at UMass Amherst. I am fortunate to be advised by Justin Domke.

I finished my PhD in 2023. I am now a research scientist at NVIDIA, working on generative modeling within the Fundamental Generative AI Research Group.

Before joining NVIDIA, I am grateful to have interned at VantAI (New York, summer 2023) with Luca Naef and Michael Bronstein; DeepMind (London, summer 2022) with Andriy Mnih and George Papamakarios; MSR (Cambridge UK, summer 2021) with Cheng Zhang, Emre Kiciman and Miltos Allamanis; and Amazon AWS (New York, summer 2018) with ‪Bing Xiang and Ramesh Nallapati.

I work on probabilistic Machine Learning, focusing on generative modeling, sampling, approximate inference, and causality, with the goal of developing methods able to solve increasingly challenging problems. I am interested in fundamental methodological developments as well as applications in different scientific domains.

Before my PhD I also did some work on planning.

This is a link to my google scholar.

Publications (& Preprints)


Organizing Committee:
Conference reviewing:
Journal reviewing:

Teaching experience

I was a TA for several courses:


I try to play tennis.


Email: t[lastname]
Email: [firstname][lastname]


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